Classroom Management


Cover Sheets 
Submitted by: L. Parker
Grade Level(s): 3-6

Many of the classrooms in my district are arranged in a way that groups 3 or 4 students together in individual desks. On the first day, have the students decorate a plain manila file folder with their name and any other decorative elements that they choose. Have the students place these in their own desk to use as needed for cover sheets or open them and create their own personal “cubicle” for test times.

Picture Rules 
Submitted by: Debbie Coria
Grade Level(s): K, 1-2

While introducing the class rules and expectations, I have a student model each desired behavior. I take a digital picture of it and use them in a PowerPoint. I make a slide of each rule with the child’s picture for the background. I print the slides and post the picture rules on the wall. The heading for this is “Model Behavior” or “Welcome to Our Picture Perfect Class”.

Related Pages: ADHD Strategies * Managing Behavior * Rewards

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