

Get More Kids to Complete Homework Assignments 

Submitted by: Deb, 4th Grade
At my inner city school, I was having tremendous difficulty getting homework returned. I got a slim hanging file holder and put 5 files in it labeled mon – fri. Each day I used a chart and marked off the names of the students who had turned in their work. On Friday, if a student had turned in all their work, they could go out with me for an extra recess. If they didn’t have their work in they had to sit with another teacher (who kids with completed homework went out with me) and finish their homework. We both increased our homework turn-ins by at least 75%.

Homework Accountability 
Submitted by: Christy Flynn, 4th grade teacher
I have a homework board. It’s a white board that has each subject written on it. The kids have homework sheets to write the homework on each night. The sheet is done as a table and two sided with a total of 30 squares. (One for each day of the 6 weeks.) Each square has all 7 subjects written in it. They are required to write all the homework that is assigned. Parents sign that they see homework was assigned. I stress to the kids and parents that it is the kids’ job to make sure the homework is done. This really limits the problems with homework. I also have small forms that they fill out each time they don’t do their homework. It states “I did not do my ___ homework on ____ (date).” Then they have to sign it. I leave room for them to write a reason for them not having the homework.

What Homework? 
Submitted by: Yolanda Smith, 5th Grade
“What Homework?” is what we as teachers hear a lot! Not anymore in my classroom. This particularly works with my fifth grade class and I am sure would work for other grades as well. At the end of the nine-week period (4 each school term), I invite those students who have completed homework 100% to breakfast. I set up a little buffet style table with fruit, cereal and juice and we talk about fun things before the other students arrive on that particular morning. I enjoy it as much as the students and the number of those invited grows each period. Some parents will even donate to the cause!

What Homework? Who Turned in Homework? 
Submitted by: Jim Scott
On the end of my white board I have a chart with students names and two columns, one marked yes and the other no. I have magnets (staples for $2.99). At the end of the day I explain the homework and make sure they understand it. If they do they can leave and place their magnet under yes. If not I explain it to them. In the morning I collect homework and if they have their homework I move their magnet by their name. If they don’t I place it in the “no” column. Any no marks results in doing homework during recess. The student also has to sit out why we check homework (I don’t grade homework).
Grade Level(s): 4-6

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