Grade Card Comments


Report Card and IEP Comments: 1830+ Ready-to-Use Comments

By Timesavers for Teachers

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Book Helps With Report Card Comments 
Submitted by: Robin W.
I would like to advise all teachers to invest in a book by Kimberly Colen called “A Note From Your Teacher.” This book is jam-packed full of any note a teacher of any age especially preschool through elementary can use. Kimberly Colen addresses nearly every possible scenario that teachers come in contact with. I strongly suggest this book!!!!

Being Positive 
Submitted by: Karen Wilson, Fifth Grade
As a parent of 3 children myself, I like to read positive things about my children. When I write comments on report cards, I try to think of at least one positive comment. Parents are more acceptable of critical comments if you can also tell them something good about their child. It may be a general comment such as, “Tom always gets along with the other classmates.” If you try hard, you can always think of something special about a child.

Comments for First Report Card 
Submitted by: Joyce Davis

___________is adjusting to the routines and procedures of the full-day Kindergarten program.

____________had adjusted to the routines and procedures of the full-day Kindergarten program.

_____________ is having difficulty adjusting to the routines and procedures of the full-day Kindergarten program.
Grade Level(s): K


Submitted by: Pamela, 5th Grade

Making report cards personal can be challenging. You want the parents to know you are concerned without being critical. Here are some suggestions …

Absent: _________ is often absent from class and must come more frequently if his/her grades are to improve. He/She shows promise in the subject area of ___________ but needs to be in school for lessons in ____________. Please alert your child of the importance to attend class on a regular basis.
Aggressive: __________ has an aggressive nature. He/She is forceful towards other classmates. Although it is good that he/she can not be bullied, he/she needs to cool down his/her too-assertive behavior.
Failing: ____________ is failing the subject of __________. Let’s do what we can to get him/her on the right track again.
Understanding Assignments: _________has trouble understanding assignments, especially in ___________. He/She doesn’t grasp the basic concepts such as ___________. Let’s work on this together so that he/she can fully comprehend this by _____________.
Arithmetic: _______ is good in math and easily understands its concepts and application. OR ________ does not have a grasp of math. He/She struggles with the most basic of concepts. Please come in and talk about what we can do to improve his ability to apply math.

Including Goals 
Submitted by: Denise, First Grade
This is an idea I use for writing comments on either report cards or progress reports. I start with a positive comment: “I like the way you remember to put your name on all of your papers, Stephanie!” Then I state a new goal for that academic area: “Now, your new goal is to write your name with only the first letter capitalized, and all of the rest lower case.” By writing the note and goal to the student instead of the parent, you give the student both credit for the good work, and responsibility for improvement. This also encourages the parents to share your report card comments with their children! (Especially important in schools where students aren’t included in parent conferences.)

Numbering Comments 
Submitted by: Lynn Pierce, Parent & Preschool Teacher
My daughter’s teacher did something unique when grading his students. He created a page of comments that were numbered. Beside the grade for each child he included all the numbers that were applicable. So if #1 was always participates in class and #4 was has assignments in on time and the grade was a B, it would read B 1,4. I found this extremely helpful as a parent and I don’t think it took the teacher that much time because he didn’t have to rewrite the same kinds of things on all the cards, he could just use the numbers.

Positive Ideas 
Submitted by: Lisa Slaughter, 2nd Grade
As I complete my grade cards at each quarter, I use small stickers (like those for incentive charts) that are smiley faces or have positive remarks, etc. to liven up and add fun, colorful positive reinforcement to each subject area. I use discretion so that I am not putting a “SUPER JOB” sticker next to a 70%/D grade. I also have some small stamps with various colored stamp pads that I use instead of stickers each time. Since we have conferences at the end of the 1st and 3rd quarters and written comments at the end of the school year, I type brief comments to include with the grade card at the end of the 2nd quarter. This usually includes a follow-up on goals set in place at the 1st quarter conferences and other achievements or recommendations. For my comments, I stress positive attributes of the student. When applicable, I include recommendations for students who need help in academic areas and social areas. Using words like — Provide Suzie with reading opportunities…, Encourage Jimmy to accept others’ differences…, Continue using activities to develop small muscle control…, Use the tutorial program we discussed… — seem to be proactive with parents. I always end the comments with an upbeat thought…See you at the library! or Be proud of yourself! or You are geared up for 3rd grade! or something like that.

Remember to Be Constructive 
Submitted by: Jacki, Kindergarten
I have taught kindergarten for 24 years. When it comes to comments on report cards, I ALWAYS start with a positive statement, no matter what. This may be difficult with a child that is very disruptive or not doing well in school, but is something you have to do before you zap the parent with what is not good with their child. You can tell the parent in that comment almost anything constructive that needs to be done after you lead off with the positive statement. I’m not advocating that I lie about this positive as I really believe that there is always something you can find to say that the child does well. It really makes my job during conferences go better when I share the comment sheet with the parents.

Using Labels 
Submitted by: Nancy, 4th Grade
Report card comments always seem to take much more time than calculating the grades. Often I would read a comment I had written and want to change something so I would resort to liquid paper to cover the comment or I would often run out of space. This past year I typed my comments on the computer using the label feature of Microsoft Word and was very pleased with the flexibility it gave me in editing my work. After printing the comments on the label I simply peeled off the label and placed it on the student’s report card.

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