Displaying Student Work


“Spotting Good Work” 
Submitted by: Sandra Fassett
I use a doggy name tag (the kind you put on their desks) and put it on construction paper. I laminate it. Then with a erasable pen, I print a student’s name on the nametag. I then put all the students name tags in the hallway. I space the rows so that work can be displayed. I keep this up all year long. I put new work under the student’s name each week. (I use dogs because I have a dalmatian theme in my room.)
Grade Level(s): K, 1-2, 3-5

a variation of fishing line to hang work from ceiling 
Submitted by: katarina, Kinder
I saw a teacher hang work from the ceiling in a truly creative way. She used colored yarn and tied one end to the paper clip, and one end to a clothespin. On the clothespin, she glued a laminated cutout or punchout relating to the classroom theme on either side of the clothespin. She then slipped the paper clip in the ceiling (most schools I’ve seen have the type of ceiling that allows for that.) She hangs them at a length that is out of the way, but reachable without climbing up on something. All she has to do is reach up and pop the work in or out of the clothespin. Not only is it quick, the punchouts provide great colorful accents.

Displaying Papers 
Submitted by: Delores Penn
I use a document protector stapled to a laminated sheet of construction paper. It is easy to remove papers daily or weekly.
Grade Level(s): K, 1-2, 3-5, 6-8

Hangin’ Out Best Work 
Submitted by: Debbie Estep, 4th
I found a neat and easy way to display my students’ work without making holes in the paper. I simply purchased a bag of wooden clothespins, measured according to average size of paper. Using a hot glue gun, glue the clothespins onto a bulletin board and then you have an easy way to display and then remove work.

Homemade Whiteboards 
Submitted by: Mr. G
Laminate white paper and create your own whiteboards in the back of the class. I use these for students to create “graffiti” or “tatoo’s” of vocab words. Leave the pictures up until you need the boards again. That way there is always student work up in your room.
Grade Level(s): K, 1-2, 3-5, 6-8

Mounting Student Artwork 
Submitted by: Stacey Mitchell, Kindergarten Teacher
To have your students artork mounted more smoothly without crinkles and wrinkles, you will need some Elmer’s glue, a paintbursh, and some water. Mix 1 tablespoon of glue with 1/2 teaspoon of water. The mixture should still be thick, but not as thick as regular glue. Use a paintbruch to apply the glue to the back of student artwork. Press firmly with your hand or a heavy book to smooth it out.

No More Hole-y Papers 
Submitted by: Michele Dorrance, 3/4th grade teacher, Iowa
This is a neat idea that I read in an educational magazine. Buy the Large (Gallon size) ziplock baggies–they need to be large enough to hold a piece of 8 1/2 x 11 paper. Decorate a bulletin board with whatever you choose and staple the individual bags to the board – make sure to staple on the top and close to the edges so that you can slide children’s work into the bags. Put each child’s name under, or somewhere around the bags and you can easily display their work without putting any staples in it.

Permanant Frames Alternative 
Submitted by: Mary V.
Use a large piece of any color construction paper and draw a 1 1/2 – 2″ border around the edge. Hold it vertically and write the child’s name in the bottom center of the border. Allow the children to decorate the edges of the border using colored pencils, chalk, or markers. Laminate the frames. Cut a 1/2″ horizontal slit in the top of the empty space and insert a large paper clip to hold the student work. (I use 2 paper clips to prevent curling of the work.) Now you can add and remove work easily.
Grade Level(s): K-6

Permanent Frames 
Submitted by: Miss Paula, K-5
Give every kids their own permanent space on the classroom wall for displaying work (A4 size). Choose beautiful coloured A3 paper. Use a marker to write each child’s name as beautiful as you can in the right down corner of the A3-paper. In the middle of the coloured paper, the kids latest/favourite pieces may be neatly displayed on this permanent frame with their name.

Suspend Students Work 
Submitted by: jenny
We placed screw eyes in the ends of several 4 foot dowel rods. We anchored a toggle hook in the ceiling and suspended the dowels with hooks and chain. The artwork can be attached to the dowels with fishing line, paper clips, yarn or as the children decide. We placed them in front of our windows over a countertop. As items can be hung at different heights, you can display several items at once.
Grade Level(s): Preschool, K, 1-2, 3-5

This works for all students k-12 
Submitted by: Diane, Grades 10-12
After a classwork, test or quiz has been graded and returned, I ask students who received an eighty (80-100) or better to put their work into a special basket that I have on my desk. Those papers are hung in the front of the class by a piece of clear tape along the edge of the blackboard. I hang the papers on an angle so I get plenty on the ledge. The students love to see their work up.

Up in the Air 
Submitted by: Lisa T, Year 2 teacher
A great way of displaying primary school work is to hang fishing wire ( or string) across the classroom from a variety of places. If you have about 5 or 6 lines, it provides great spaces for the children to hang up their work (either with pegs or sticky tape). This way, their work is displayed proudly for everyone to see and it saves up alot of precious classroom space by being in the air! The children, the parents and teachers love it!!

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