Rewards – Classroom Management Tips and Ideas


B U G S 
Submitted by: Margo, KindergartenOriginally posted at the Discussion Forums
I just wanted to share something my school does at this time of year to help control the “soon to be out of school” craziness that goes on. I have read in other posts where the kids are really starting to lose their good behavior sense. About 6 weeks from the end of the year, all adults get a bunch of “bugs” (Being Unusually Good). They are just pieces of paper with cute little bug drawings on them and the initials BUG written across them. The idea is to catch someone, or groups of someones, or even whole classes being unusually good. If you get a bug, you turn it in to your teacher and a total is kept. The best is when you earn a class bug-it counts for the total number of children present at the time. At the end of the week, we email one person our total bug count for that week. The class in each grade level who has acquired the most bugs gets an ice cream treat. The runner up gets a special treat as well. The only caviat is that I can’t give my own class bugs. It must come from someone else thinking we are doing a great job. This really works wonders. Before walking down the hall, I remind the class that we are trying to get some bugs and they straighten right out. When monitoring other kids, all I have to do is mention the fact that I have bugs to hand out and they quiet down, etc. The newness doesn’t wear off because each week is a new week and the kids strive very hard to be the bug winners. I hope I have explained this well enough. Give it a try in your school and see if that end of the year excitement doesn’t calm down just a little.

Behavior Management with the Spirit of the Olympics 
Submitted by: Jodi and Laura, 3rd Grade
To go along with the Olympics, my friend and I came up with an awesome idea to help you and your students maintain positive behavior. We cut letter size manilla folders into eighths and put each child’s name at the bottom. These cards are then Velcro-ed onto the side of each child’s desk for easy reference and privacy. We put a piece of Velcro in the center to hold gold, silver, and bronze medals. Each medal signifies a level of behavior. Gold represents a students who has stayed positive and on task. Each day a students has “Stayed Gold” they will receive a certificate. If they stay Gold all week, they earn extra recess or some other privilege. You can even reward students for staying gold all quarter or year. It gives those students who are less than perfect an opportunity to work towards something positive and it shows our appreciation to the students who are always well behaved. It’s a great way to monitor student behaviors and for students to self check!

Bug Bucks 
Submitted by: TRC, 1st
The theme in my classroom is ladybugs (I’m a collector). I keep a bag of small pre-printed tickets hand called “Bug Bucks”. When a student is caught doing something positive in the classroom, he/she receives a “Bug Buck”. The students place their bucks in a plastic container they keep inside their desks. When a child has collected 10 bucks, they cash them in for a trip to the class treasure box. I also take “Bug Bucks” as well. Students may have to give the teacher a buck for excessive talking, misconduct, etc. This “buck” idea can be adapted to fit the theme in any classroom. In our first grade pod we have everything from “Bear Bucks” to “Cow Cash”. This has been a very effective way of rewarding positive behavior in my class!

Class Achievers 
Submitted by: Tisha Frasier
This technique works very well with second and third grade. I use a chart from any teacher’s supply store. I put each student’s full name on the chart. Students receive a check for transitioning smoothly from one activity to another, following directions the first time they are given, staying on task and completing classwork, etc. These are my classroom rules. There are approximately 24-26 boxes per student. The first student to reach the end of the chart is the first place class achiever. I award the four top achievers with a certificate of achievement and a bouquet of decorated pens, pencils and erasers. I make it into a mini award ceremony by inviting the principal or other staff members. The whole process includes pictures with me! They love it! Everybody wants to be a classroom achiever!
Grade Level(s): 1-2, 3-5

Community Bubble Gum Machine 
Submitted by: Regina T
I use tag board to create a giant bubble gum machine. I draw three lines representing the rewards that will come when the bubble gum is filled to each line. I use colorful dot stickers to represent the bubble gum. When I catch them doing a good deed or following direction, they recieve a gumball to place in the machine. They work together to achieve their reward. A reward could be popcorn and a movie, picnic, etc.

Submitted by: Unknown
Cut out the letters for the word COMPLIMENT. Each time the class receives a compliment from faculty, parents, visitors, etc. they earn a letter. Once the class has received all the letters to the word, reward them with a special privilege. For example, popcorn/coke party, movie day, game day, or treats that they like.

Submitted by: Diana
Next to my desk, I keep a compliment jar (small glass fish bowl). I allow the students to put a marble in this jar for any compliment the class receives from another teacher, parent in the school, or the principal. When the jar is filled to the top they will be rewarded. I also allowed the class to pick there reward so they feel they really acomplished something. My class chose an ice cream sundae party.
Grade Level(s): K, 1-2, 3-5

Credit for being on task 
Submitted by: Beth, 2nd grade
I place book pockets on the corner of each student’s desk. Then I place a colored index card in the book pocket. I explain to them that this card is their own “credit card” (they can decorate it if they wish) Then as a see positive behavior in the class I hole punch the card. When the students obtain a certain amount of hole punches (you can determine the number) they can choose a small prize on Fridays and then it begins again on Monday. Just make sure only you have access to the hole puncher so it is not tempting for the “little ones” to be sneaky!
Grade Level(s): 1-2, 3-5

Dipping for Dollars 
Submitted by: Trudy
Grade Level(s): K, 1-2, 3-5

I’ve used a behavior technique called “Dipping for Dollars” for the last 3 years, and it really works! I have a large plastic jar filled with fake coins (make sure the kids can’t see through it). Every child who has good behavior during a day gets to take a dip from the jar the next morning. I also give dips for random acts of kindness, showing responsibility, good citizenship and quality work. Each child has a small plastic box to store their money in. Every morning when they get their dips (if they deserve any) they also trade pennies for nickels, nickels for dimes etc… When a child has saved up $5.00 they can turn it in for one of these rewards: 20 minutes of free time, a pack of chewing gum, sit by a friend for a day, or sit at the teacher’s desk for a day. Each day that the entire class gets a dip someone reaches into a container and draws out a poker chip that has a number 5 or 10 on it. When the class has accumulated 200 “Party Points” we plan a class party! Last year we had an ice cream party, a popcorn party, a Pokemon party, and a game day party. The kids really like this, it’s inexpensive, and not a lot of work. Another great benefit is that when it comes time to teach a money unit in math it’s a snap, because the kids have been counting and trading their money every day of the year!

Good Work Coupons 
Submitted by: A.Montgomery
This year I’m going to try a great technique I heard of from a fellow teacher. At the end of the class, or during class work, students working hard, staying on task, following directions, etc., will receive a Good Work Coupon. They are to keep these in a safe place because at the end of the month or 6 weeks grading period, we will count them up. The student who has the most coupons or has gathered at least “X” number of coupons (you set the number) can choose from the gift box. Micheal’s craft store always has $1 gifts at the front of the store. Pads of paper, stationary, bracelets, pencils. I’ll also put all the coupons into a basket and draw out a couple names. This works well and motivates those students who are often overlooked by teachers dealing with discipline problems.
Grade Level(s): 6-8

I “Caught Ya” doing something great!! 
Submitted by: Angee Duvall, Primary
Last year, I got so tired of always disciplining the “bad” kids and never giving enough attention to the “good” kids so I came up with this plan. This has helped me reward those children who are always with me, who are always listening, who follow directions, etc. And it helped me motivate those children who struggle to try harder. I printed up some small, colorful 1-in x 1-in pieces of paper that are labeled “I Caught Ya doing something great!” I keep a stack in my pocket all day long. Whenever I see someone doing something great, I give them a “Caught Ya.” They put their name on the back and put it into the “Caught Ya” basket. On Fridays, my helper of the day chooses one friend to stay in from recess and they count the “Caught Yas.” They count how many each student has and put the numbers on a piece of paper for me. They then place all the “Caught Yas” back in the basket for later. Knowing who has won, they have to keep it a secret until I reveal the winner to the class (I usually do that right after lunch). After lunch, I reveal who had the most and give a small prize (a coupon to the movies, a small toy, etc.). I then take the basket and we draw three papers out of the basket. These students get a piece of candy. If we draw out the same student two times, then that student gets two pieces of candy. It motivates the children to get as many as they can because they never know when they might win!!! I then dump out the basket, and we begin again. It has helped me so much with behavior in my classroom!

Jelly Bean Behavior 
Submitted by: Leslie Whitehead, third grade teacher
Grade Level(s): K, 1-2, 3-5

I use Jelly Beans (or any other small candies will do) to reward children who are on task. Find a “fun” container to store your goodies in. I found a really groovy rabbit with sun glasses that ejects the candy like a gum ball machine. When I see that someone has followed directions well, is sitting quietly, and is ready to start the next subject I reward them with a goodie. All I have to do is stand up front and quietly point to the student and say one bean and the rest of the kids fall into line.

Keeping kids on task – Fun Friday
Submitted by: Nancy, elementary
Grade Level(s): K, 1-2, 3-5

Every Friday, I set aside a period of time (about 1/2 an hour) for “Fun Friday”, during which time the children can have free time for an activity of their choice (board games, and creative materials are available, as well as the classroom library and exploration centers). This time is automatically theirs, unless their behavior during the week interferes with the completion of a lesson or an independent task. If a student fails to finish an assigned task to the best of their ability in a reasonable amount of time because of behavior issues (NOT ACADEMIC DIFFICULTY, OF COURSE!), the assignment goes into the “Fun Friday tray”. At the beginning of Fun Friday each week, I distribute unfinished work, and those children have to complete the work before they can play. It’s a real consequence, rather than an arbitrary punishment, and it really works!

Movie Tickets 
Submitted by: Mrs. Aleceia Reeves
Grade Level(s): K, 1-2, 3-5

I give out those small tickets used at the dollar movies or carnivals for good behavior, following classroom and hallway rules, being kind and courteous (saying thank you, bless you, etc.), sharing (without being asked), returning notes to/from parents, returning homework, ETC. The students are instructed to put their initials on the back, and to put them in a safe place. (One year, my third graders deposited and withdrew them from a class bank.) On Friday, we have a movie party, the students must first purchase a ticket to see the movie (6 tickets), then they may purchase popcorn, soda, candy, etc. with the rest. It sounds expensive, but I usually only purchased one pre-popped bag of popcorn, one liter of soda, and cheap/on-sale candy.

Puzzling behavior
Submitted by: Karen

I take a small poster and cut it into ten jigsaw puzzle type pieces. I then put the pieces in a colorful folder pinned to a bulletin board. When the whole class has really great behavior (ie works hard in groups without any disagreements) they earn a piece. They may also earn a piece if they receive a compliment from an adult on the whole class behavior. To keep it honest I tell them that I need to hear the compliment from the adult. The aides in my building know I do this so they make a point of telling me when my class is really good in the cafeteria or outside. The music and PE teachers also drop me notes or e-mail me to let me know. When a puzzle is complete, the class earns a treat of some kind-candy, popcorn, longer recess, or free trips to the treasure chest for everyone. It also makes a great year around bulletin board since all I have to do is switch out the puzzle pieces in the folder. The caption reads “Good behavior puts it all together!” To add to the fun I never tell the kids what the poster is. They have fun guessing as I add pieces.

Student of the Week 
Submitted by: T. Click, Haynesville, LA, 1st
My co-teachers and I have a student of the week. It works very well with us. What you do is keep track of student behavior however you want (chart, tickets, etc.). At the end of the week, the student with the most points, or least points depending on whether you keep track of positive behavior or negative behavior, gets to be the “Student of the Week” the following week. A note is sent home with the child on Friday stating that they may bring a picture or stuffed animal from home to put on their “Student of the Week” desk. The special desk is decorated and is in a special place in the room. The student also gets to wear a “medal” (you can find these pretty cheap at Oriental Trading)for the week so the other students and teachers in the school can recognize their good behavior.

Table of the week 
Submitted by: Leigh Johns
I award a table of the week prize to the table that earns the most beads that week. I use beads from the crafts dept. and tupperware container for storage of the beads. Each time the tables are working quietly, staying on task, keeping a neat table, etc., I award that table a bead. At the end of the week the table with the most beads gets a prize. The prize may be 20 minutes in the library, a free coke at snack, a prize from the prize box, etc. It has made my class want to work together!

The Helping Hands Can 
Submitted by: Rena
1. Take an ordinary can (i.e., coffee, peanut, etc..) and decorate it to your taste. I use bright colors and huge writing for the younger children. — 2. Fill the can with popsicle sticks. Be creative! — 3. Have the children color or paint the sticks. Once the sticks are finished, label the sticks with the wonderful jobs the children like to help the teacher do (i.e., running errands, line leader, pick a movie, win small prizes-pencils, candy, erasers, pick a book of the day, etc..) — 4. When an individual or team members are working quietly, complete seat work, finished all homework, shows kindness and respect to others, plays safely, etc.., a stick is drawn from the can and that child or children are rewarded with the job or prize indicated on the stick. — 5. It is also a good idea to make a chart to keep track of the children and to post inside the classroom. This activity works great because everyone wants to lend a helping hand!

Why do students act so terribly when a sub is in???? 
Submitted by: Unknown
This year, I told my students that the sub would have “Awesome Behavior” coupons to give to deserving students. When I return from being out, those student who earned coupons are waiting to get to the Treasure Box. (Yes, the treasure box still works in the 6th grade!)

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