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From A to Z’s Downloads Store:

First Week Activities and Classroom Management Tools
This 30 page resources is full of tools and activities to use during the first week of school and throughout the year. Everything is “ready to use” but can also be easily edited. This packet would be ideal for a new teacher or an experienced teacher who would like some new ideas.
Price: $4.75  Available for immediate download. 

By Rachel Lynette

Collecting/Labeling supplies

I give each child a permanent marker. We go through each item on the school supply list one at a time and they write their first name last initial on each supply (if it wasn’t done already). I collect notebooks, folders, one set at a time by calling their rows. I put them in each a designated spot. For pencils, I put them each in a large ziploc with their name on it. They get 2 new pencils each Monday.  P. Provost, 4th/ LA

First Day Organization Helper

When students are entering the room and there are countless supplies to be labeled, have a large grocery store type bag with their name printed on it to hold supplies until you can put it all away. This gives handy storage and keeps everything separate until you can label and put away. Grocery stores are usually generous enough to give these to you and they get a small amount of advertising to boot!!  sherri, 1st / 2nd multi

Labels for Folders/Notebooks

With so many notebooks and folders coming in the first day, I like to create labels on the computer for each student to put on them. It makes it easy for the students to locate things in their desk.  Deirdre O Brien, K-5

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