Back to School Meet the Teacher / Open House


Back to School Greeting

On Back to School Day I give the parents a bag of candy and a note attached. The notes says: Glad we could meet Enjoy this treat!  Katie Douglas

Goody Bag Welcome

We have our Open House before the start of school. I prepare a goody bag for each child with a note attached to the outside welcoming the child into my class. Inside, the contents may include a piece of candy, a book, a marker, stickers, etc. It’s a small way to get the kids excited about coming back. They take the bags home with them after Open House. The students that don’t come to Open House receive the bag on the first day of school.  K. Matthews, 2/3

Open House – Matching Parents’ Faces with Students

At our school, we have an Open House very early in the year, only a week or two after school has started. Since I barely know the children by name at that point, I came up with this idea to help me place the parents’ faces with their student. I made a large tree and posted it on my classroom door. I cut out red apple shapes and hung them on the tree.” On each apple I wrote, “Johnny’s parent” or “Susie’s parent.” As the parents entered my room for the evening’s presentation, they were invited to pick the proper apple from the tree and wear it as a name tag. It was a great icebreaker, and made it easy for me to answer when they asked, “So, how’s my child doing so far?   Mary Ann Oczkowski, 2nd Grade

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